Scotland's Year of Stories Project: Orkney, Scotland and Norway: Stories in music and verse

The Institute for Northern Studies at UHI were proud to present an incredible free concert celebrating the links between Orkney, Scotland, and Norway. The evening showcased some of the very best Orkney-based musicians. Ian Crockatt performed translated verses by Earl Rǫgnvaldr Kali Kolsson, as well as new compositions inspired by the story of his life, in the cathedral he himself had built. This allowed locals and visitors alike to experience the best of Orkney’s culture past and present in one of Orkney’s most iconic buildings.

Featured Musicians: Heather Woodbridge, Karen Tweed, Douglas Montgomery, The Young Eeens and Ian Crockatt.

Year of Stories concert Young Eens.jpg

The group Young Eens play inside the Cathedral of St. Magnus, Orkney
Ⓒ UHI Institute for Northern Studies

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