A jewel thief, a witch, a doctor and an inspirational teacher are just some of the stories of incredible Highland women revealed from museum archives. Unforgotten Highland Women is a short podcast series, recorded at live events across the Highlands of Scotland, about remarkable local women. Pauline Moore - podcaster and freelance producer - with support from the team at XpoNorth was commissioned by Museums and Heritage Highland to host these events, interviewing the keepers of the tales, sharing the stories with local communities and holding information gathering sessions to help complete the picture.
Project commissioned by Museums and Heritage Highland - museumsandheritagehighland.org.uk/
Museums involved:
Mary Marjory - Ullapool + Highland Museum of Childhood - www.ullapoolmuseum.co.uk/ and https://highlandmuseumofchildhood.org.uk/
Megan Boyd + Caroline Ross - Clyne Heritage Society - www.clyneheritage.com/
Margaret Swanson - Castlehill Heritage Centre - www.castletownheritage.co.uk/
Beatrice Garvie - Fiona Sanderson + Orkney Archives - www.fionasanderson.com/main/ and https://orkneylibrary.org.uk/
Isobel Gowdie - Nairn Museum - www.nairnmuseum.co.uk/
This event was supported by the Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund. This fund was delivered in partnership between VisitScotland and Museums Galleries Scotland with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to National Lottery players.