West Lothian

  • Scotland's Year of Stories Project: Object of my desire

    At 11 libraries across West Lothian, library users brought in objects that were special to them or that had stories to tell. One session in particular focussed around lost mining communities in West Lothian and the memories around mining culture users had while growing up. Other stories centred around school days and characters remembered from childhood. The objects brought in became catalysts for many stories about growing up, families and childhood memories. The sessions were held in libraries in Bathg... Read More

  • Scotland's Year of Stories Project: The Calder Witch Hunt

    The Calder witch hunt started in December 1643 and lasted about 18 months. At Calder all of the people who were accused of witchcraft were women. At least five of them were executed: Helen Stewart, Jonet Bruce, Agnes Bischope, Agnes Vassie and Marion Gibsone. We know that people at Calder were kept in stocks, made to wear sackcloth, were sleep deprived (Margret Thomsone was kept awake for 26 days), and beaten. They were also forced to name other people as witches. In 1644 the minister, Hew Kennedie, wrot... Read More

  • The Meadows Mummers; tradition with a difference.

    Among the practitioners in this field are The Meadows Mummers. This Edinburgh-based all-female group have taken the traditional folk drama “Galoshins” (in all its various spellings) and updated it with a modernised and expanded script, written in rhyming couplets, while still respecting its traditional form and Commedia dell'Arte roots. It was associated with Hogmanay, but the Mummers largely perform at community festivals in the summer, so performances are open-air. Through collaborations with the... Read More

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